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Near-theoretical strength and deformation stabilization achieved via grain boundary segregation and nano-clustering of solutes

来源:    发布时间 : 2025-01-09   点击量:  
年份 专利号
授权公告日 发明人
期号、页码 15, 9283(2024) 期刊名称 Nature Communications
文章作者 Chang Liu, Jing Rao, Zhongji Sun, Wenjun Lu, James P. Best, Xuehan Li, Wenzhen Xia, Yilun Gong, Ye Wei, Bozhao Zhang, Jun Ding, Ge Wu & En Ma

Grain boundary hardening and precipitation hardening are important mechanisms for enhancing the strength of metals. Here, we show that these two effects can be amplified simultaneously in nanocrystalline compositionally complex alloys (CCAs), leading to near-theoretical strength and large deformability. We develop a model nanograined (TiZrNbHf)98Ni2 alloy via thermodynamic design. The Ni solutes, which has a large negative mixing enthalpy and different electronegativity to Ti, Zr, Nb and Hf, not only produce Ni-enriched local chemical inhomogeneities in the nanograins, but also segregate to grain boundaries. The resultant alloy achieves a 2.5 GPa yield strength, together with work hardening capability and large homogeneous deformability to 65% compressive strain. The local chemical inhomogeneities impede dislocation propagation and encourage dislocation multiplication to promote strain hardening. Meanwhile, Ni segregates to grain boundaries and enhances cohesion, suppressing the grain growth and grain boundary cracking found while deforming the reference TiZrNbHf alloy. Our alloy design strategy thus opens an avenue, via solute decoration at grain boundaries combined with local chemical inhomogeneities inside the grains, towards ultrahigh strength and large plasticity in nanostructured alloys.

Link:Near-theoretical strength and deformation stabilization achieved via grain boundary segregation and nano-clustering of solutes | Nature Communications



地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号    版权所有:西安交通大学材料创新设计中心