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Tailoring the oxygen concentration in Ge-Sb-O alloys to enable femtojoule-level phase-change memory operations

来源:    发布时间 : 2023-01-06   点击量:  
年份 专利号
授权公告日 发明人
期号、页码 1, 045302, (2022) 期刊名称 Materials Futures
文章作者 Jiangjing Wang, Xiaozhe Wang, Yudong Cheng, Jieling Tan, Chao Nie, Zhe Yang, Ming Xu, Xiangshui Miao, Wei Zhang, En Ma


Chalcogenide phase-change materials (PCMs), in particular, the flagship Ge2Sb2Te5 (GST), are leading candidates for advanced memory applications. Yet, GST in conventional devices suffer from high power consumption, because the RESET operation requires melting of the crystalline GST phase. Recently, we have developed a conductive-bridge scheme for low-power phase-change application utilizing a self-decomposed Ge-Sb-O (GSO) alloy. In this work, we present thorough structural and electrical characterizations of GSO thin films by tailoring the concentration of oxygen in the phase-separating GSO system. We elucidate a two-step process in the as-deposited amorphous film upon the introduction of oxygen: with increasing oxygen doping level, germanium oxides form first, followed by antimony oxides. To enable the conductive-bridge switching mode for femtojoule-level RESET energy, the oxygen content should be sufficiently low to keep the antimony-rich domains easily crystallized under external electrical stimulus. Our work serves as a useful example to exploit alloy decomposition that develops heterogeneous PCMs, minimizing the active switching volume for low-power electronics.




地址:陕西省西安市咸宁西路28号    版权所有:西安交通大学材料创新设计中心